Walking with the Enemy

Walking with the Enemy

Walking with the Enemy

Apr. 25, 2014124 Min.




Jonas Armstrong isElek Cohen
Elek Cohen
Hannah Tointon isHannah Schoen
Hannah Schoen
Ben Kingsley isRegent Miklos Horthy
Regent Miklos Horthy
Simon Dutton isMiklos Schoen
Miklos Schoen
Burn Gorman isLt. Colonel Otto Skorzeny
Lt. Colonel Otto Skorzeny
Shane Taylor isMiklos Horthy Jr.
Miklos Horthy Jr.
Charles Hubbell isSS Colonel Eichmann
SS Colonel Eichmann
Simon Hepworth isFerenc Szalasi
Ferenc Szalasi
Andrew Brooke isCaptain Varga
Captain Varga
William Hope isCarl Lutz
Carl Lutz

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